Pitching Framework

  • Category: Operations
  • Content Type: Prompts
  • Useage Type: Free
  • Tags: 1


Utilize the following nine-step pitching framework to craft an impactful pitch for [your proposed solution]:
 1. Name the enemy - This is how it is today.....and it sucks 
2. Agitate the problem - If we do nothing this is where we are heading 
3. Spark intrigue - I think we should collectively do something about it 
4. Offer the missing piece of the puzzle - what needs to be achieved to do it 
5. Bring the solution alive - Bring your proposed solution to life by describing how it will work in practical terms.
6. Sell benefits, not features - Explain the tangible benefits that your solution offers, focusing on the value it brings rather than just its features.
7. Create urgency - Make it clear why immediate action is necessary, and what could be lost or compromised by delaying.
8. Demonstrate the potential - Illustrate the positive impact your solution could have, using data or examples to support your claims.
9. Show the long-term vision.- Share your broader vision for the future, explaining how your solution fits into this larger context.
Also, incorporate the specific details and facts you have at hand: [provide details or facts you need to include].

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